Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Today is a better day.

First off, thank you all so much for your kind and kick you in the butt (Stephanie) comments yesterday.  I was having a total Debby Downer day an I felt like shit.  Today, I am determined WILL be better.  I slept from 4pm to 8pm and then went back to sleep at 10 and slept till 9am.  I feel rested.  Part of the issue is that I have 2 kids and take care of another little girl with special needs 3 times a week and I feel guilty for making them sit in the hot house one more day so we go do something and it just does me in.  Yesterday we went swimming and then I  had to take my son to physical was just too much. I have to learn that I have boundaries right now and stick with them.

On another, more positive note.....the scale is down one more pound today! Woot!  I did 10 min on the elliptical yesterday and could have done 5 more, but was feeling a little dizzy and didn't want to push it.  Well, kiddos need fed.  Thanks again for your support ladies.  I SO wish I could scrap up the money to go to Chicago.  I just applied for another job today...maybe if that works out I could make it work!  We will see!


Jen said...

Glad you are feeling better! Try to take it easy during recovery. It does get better and soon you'll be better than you ever were. It took me about 3 weeks.

Christine said...

I am crossing my fingers that you get the job you applied for!

Michelle said...

Glad to see your feeling better. It's important to try and make it all about you during your recovery however I understand it can be hard. But trust me it'll get better and you'll feel like yourself again. Congrats on the loss!

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Keep feeling better...take care of you!