Friday, August 20, 2010

Things I have learned in the last week....

-You must take small small bites and chew, chew, chew.  If you don't....OUCHIE!  No PB's yet or nothing stuck for more than a few sec, but damn it hurts when it is.

-Even if you take small bites, and chew....sauce, sauce and more sauce.  I need to find some more recipes for yummy sauces.  It makes things go down SO much nicer.

-SLOW DOWN.  Nuff said.

-And last but NOT LEAST, constipation SUCKS!  They warned me, but I was a well....lets just say....very regular pooper before band and thought it would even things out. NOPE.  UGH, it hurts.  I took some stool softener this am and am waiting for it to kick it.  It taste like straight turpentine though so I only take it when necessary.  I can't wait till I am on regular food so I can get more fiber in.  Soft food is working though and I am learning some good things...I guess.  ;)

Toodles! Have a great weekend!


Amanda Kiska said...

There's definately a learning curve, but after a few months it becomes (mostly) second-nature.

I'm afraid the pooping thing never gets back to normal. We just eat so much less. But hopefully you won't be constipated. I never have been, but my clock-work BM's are a thing of the past.

Amanda Kiska said...

Aren't you glad you brought it up?

Nella said...

The poop thinners helped me SURVIVE!

Sumer said...

Somebody got to talk poop! LOL

Sumer said...

and not in the sink.....bwhahahahaha