Monday, August 09, 2010

I thought I was going to die.

Well after another week or so of no posting I am back yet again.  I am having a hell of a time coming back after this surgery.  Tomorrow will be 3 weeks post op.  I am still stuck at 25lbs down, but I will not complain, it could be worse.   My son had a cold for a day and I think because of my surgery and healing, ect, I got it....BAD.  I have literally been back in my bed for the last 4 days and only today am feeling a little better.  I am hoping this it it for being so run down and I can get back into my daily routine with the kids and working out so I can get more weight of!  I am getting excited about the prospect of shopping for my new smaller body.  I have had quite a few NSV's  over the last week, it's been great!  EVERYONE is noticing my weight loss and finally so am I!  I looked in the mirror the other day and saw collar bones!  SO exciting, they have been hiding for awhile.  I am hoping to take some pics this weekend and see if I can see the progress in them.

I am noticing the swelling going down.  I am eating more without issues and am feeling less "full" after eating and drinking.  I am sure a fill will be greatly appreciated in 3 weeks.  I am still on purees and it's going well.  Lots of ricotta cheese, cottage cheese mashed, ff refried beans, chili, black beans and even some chicken and black beans that I pureed.  My hubby thought it was the most disgusting thing ever, but I thought it was HEAVEN.  Oh yeah, scrambled eggs as well. They were a little bit difficult to go down at first but I LOVE ranch dressing so I just put a little ranch on them and they slide right down.  I am finding it more difficult to make my 1/2 cup last a half hour with less restriction, any ideas there?   Well, I think I am going to put in a short work-out video and talk the kids into "dancing" with me!  Have a good day!

1 comment:

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Oh I'm so sad you got a cold too while you are trying to recover. You poor thing...hang in there...