Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I talked with the scheduler on Monday and my surgery is scheduled for July 20th!  I am SO excited.  It all seems very real now.  I suppose it will feel even more real when all the insurance stuff is worked out, she said she doesn't see there being any issues!! WOOT! WOOT!!!!  I am down one more pound this morning.  I am finding that I am just starving though, all day long.  It' not head hunger's stomach growling, sick feeling, feed me, hunger.  I can't wait till I have my band and don't feel that as much.  I need to increase my water intake, that will probably help.  I have only 2 more bottles of Diet Coke left....when they are gone....good bye Diet Coke! I had some of my pre-op blood work done on Monday, I swear she took 20 vials of blood.  Well, maybe more like 10, but it was A LOT.  I hope all is well with that, I guess I will hear if it's not.  Now I need to get a disc of my upper GI and I will be ready for my appt. on June 17th with the surgeon.  I better call the hospital right now and get that taken care of, medical records can be slow.  Well, off to call the hospital and to work out.  Nyla and I are going to do a hip hop dance video. This should be interesting.


Liz - Lizzle - Libby Lou said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! CONGRADULATIONS! It begins..... hehe! It's all so great from here! Remember that!

Janelle said...

Congrats!! You are almost there!

I just saw your comment on my blog so decided I should be following you, also! :)