Tuesday, November 09, 2010


My 6 year old son told me this morning while we were waiting for the bus that a little girl that has been a bit of a pain in the ass this year, said...."your  mom is a fatty".  I can't stop crying.  How can the words of a 5 year old girl cut so deep.  I don't want my son to have to deal with this....why do parents teach their children these things. I don't care if it's intentional or not....NOT ACCEPTABLE!!  My son knows the word fat isn't nice...it hurts people, even his mommy.


nikki said...

I've experienced similar before and it does hurt and I am sorry. I'm a new follower and can see how far you have came. You look fabulous. ~hugs

Nella said...

Oh yeah...the stuff that comes out of some kids can be very sad and hurtful! But look at you now - be proud sista!

Amanda Kiska said...

Tell your son that you may be fat, but it is NEVER okay to say mean things to people. I've always told my kids that some people are fat, some thin. It doesn't make one better than the other.

So sorry that you're felling low. You look fantastic!

Island Bandit said...

awwwwwwwwwwww. i know how these things can hurt, but you're working towards getting to a place where no one (not even a 5-year-old who sounds like she could do with a smack down) would ever think to call you that.
reminds me of a conversation i had with my four year old precocious god daughter earlier this year.
'you're fat. look at your belly,' she says to me.
this was long before i started doing anything about my weight and of course, she was 100% right in her assessment.
i talked to her about how it's not nice to talk about people's bodies because it can hurt their feelings.
i didn't think i'd really gotten through to her when she basically told me that was a chance she was willing to take.....
but then, everytime i'd see her, she'd comment that i looked skinny. or really, really skinny!
so i've told her parents that in getting the band and going on this journey, i'm trying to make a non-liar out of their daughter!

Lily's Mommy said...

It is UNACCEPTABLE, but you know the truth. Look at your before and after pics! You look AMAZING! I am sorry that little twerp hurt your feelings, but rest assured that you are bringing your boy up in a positive way, teaching him compassion for everyone, and treating others the way that he would like to be treated. You look terrific momma!